Your church website...  Is it time to review and revise?


Your website is usually the first place a person will look

when they want to learn about your church.


Does your website communicate what you really want to say about your church?


Who is your target audience. Who is your website geared towards?   

_____ People who are looking for a church? 

_____ Your first-time guests?

_____ Newcomers to your church?

_____ Your church members and attenders?


Do you provide information for the following groups?

  • First-time guests: Anticipate their questions and as near as possible provide the answers.
     Help them know what to expect on their first visit.

  • Newcomers: Consider the things that will help them get acquainted and make connections. 

  • Church members and attenders: Keep them informed about the current activities and events – especially the weeks and days leading up to Christian holidays, such as Holy Week, Christmas, etc


When you invite people to attend your activities and services...:

     Do you create text that will motivate them to take the next step... and attend.



Your website design:

     How easy is it to navigate your website?

     People don’t want to dig through layers of pages or text to find information? 



Ask church members and newcomers.   Sample survey click here.

     How often do they visit the website? 

     What are they looking for? 

     What would they like added.  Etc.



Chapter 5 in the book Church Office Manager will have the following lists: 

  • Dos and Don’ts when building a church website.
  • Things that will cause a person to leave your website in a hurry.
  • Important information to include and why.
  • Terminology/language – what to use, what to avoid.

It’s quite possible that people visit your website but don’t take that next step and visit your church. 

Why is that?    Is it time to re-examine and update your website?








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Your church website is the first place 
a person will look first

to learn about your church.


Does your website communicate
what you really want to say about your church?


It’s quite possible that people visit your website

but don’t take that next step and visit your church.


Why is that?  

Is it time to re-examine and update your website?



The reason someone is looking at your website ...


They want information.



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